New Resolution for 2025: Starting January 1st, we are switching to 100% paperless delivery notes for a greener future!
Remember to check the sending emails on your delivery addresses!
🔴 Important Notice: Coca-Cola Product Recall 🔴
Dear customers, We would like to inform you that a product recall is in effect for certain batches of Coca-Cola beverages (Sprite, Fanta, Coca, Fuzetea). Please check the batch number printed under your can.
👉 If the batch number is between 328GE and 338GE, please contact your sales representative or their assistant as soon as possible.
Thank you for your attention. We remain at your disposal for any further information.


INTERNAL REFERENCE : 160275 - EAN CODE : 4046719666195

Pack Avantage Post-it Index Standard. Les Post-it Index Standard attirent le regard et vous permettent donc de codifier et de structurer vos catalogues, livres et répertoires avec efficacité et de retrouver les pages importantes au premier coup d'oeil. Ils sautent aux yeux, sont inscriptibles, repositionnables, peuvent être retirés sans laisser de traces et transparents, ne masquent pas le texte. L'offre comprend: 6x Post-it Index Standard 25x43.2mm. 3 Packs Duo Rouge/Jaune 3 Packs Duo bleu/vert 50 Index par dévidoir. 4 Couleurs GRATUITES.

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General product information

  • Weight
    0.116 kg
  • Material
  • Dimension
    25 x 44mm
  • Shape